But, making sure you are calling in the right guide, and requesting the right thing is crucial.
Just like here on Earth where people do different things and have special skills, guides and beings in the spirit world do too. Not all beings are masters at what you need help with. Not all guides can assist you with the up-level, the healing, the guidance, and the protection you need.
Your sex guide is most likely not going to be giving you guidance on what program to launch and what to charge for it. She also won't be advising you on what poverty vows to break! 😜
The Spirit Team Masterclass is going to take you into the world of spiritual beings to help you uncover who is showing up to support you, who you should be calling in, and how they are working in your life.
Angels work differently than guides, who work differently than Ascended Masters, and you'll want to make sure you never make an elemental mad and that you always call on a celestial during quantum shifting!
Spirit Team is going to give you all the juicy details that most people don't know about the beings available to help you, and maybe mess with you a bit if you're not careful!