Navigating Parenting as a Psychic!
I never realized how different parenting is when you're a psychic.
The things you see.
The things you know.
The experiences you have.
The differences in your children.
Navigating parenthood is not easy. Then throw in deep healing, spirits showing up, your children experiencing shifts, and even opening up of their abilities.
It can all seem so overwhelming.
I get it and I know how to help.
When I was a child, no one understood what I was going through.
I struggled at night, with meeting new people, and with everything I was seeing and experiencing in life.
I was left to my own navigation of it all because it wasn't understood.
I see this happen often!
The Psychic Parent
A 6-week program designed to support not just the psychic parent, but also the psychic child.
I often hear from parents who:
- Want to heal their children.
- Think their children are seeing spirits.
- Get overwhelmed with the healing.
- Try to fix themselves to be perfect.
- Have children who are struggling.
- Aren't sure how to protect their children from energy.
- Want to teach their children to connect.
The Psychic Parent is going to help you understand your role as a psychic parent. It's going to help you navigate their struggles of deep consciousness as well as inner knowing. It's going to help you support your children's growth in the exact way they need it.
It's what I did with my psychic children and with others.
In this program we will cover:
What the children here now are doing.
Psychic and not psychic kids.
Your role as a parent.
Supporting your children's abilities.
Protecting and awareness.
What NOT to do.
Detachment and acceptance.
Contracts, karma and soul families.
This is a program I wish I had many years ago, but I am honored to get to create it for you!
Psychic Parents takes place in August 2023
If you're ready to step into your power as a parent...Come join us!
6 Week Program
6 Week Program + 2 Private 30 min. Sessions
Upgrade has limited availability.
© Copyrights 2023 by Carrie Cardozo. All Rights Reserved.